How To Get Field Boss Cards Lost Ark Video Game

A Guide On How To Get Field Boss Cards Lost Ark Video Game


By Aniket Jain

You can get field boss cards in Works in the lost ark. Hence, you can see two fieldsets, Field Boss I, and Field Boss II.

You should know that lost ark is a package of complete detailed methods through which you can update and customize the character.

However, there are a few ways to improve capabilities in the game.

Using card sets is one of the best ways. Field Boss Cards is one of the famous card sets people use in the game.

How to get Field Boss Cards in Lost Ark

Cards are a type of collectible item that you can use to create Card Decks in the game. You can equip it with your character to improve your offensive and defensive power.

Luckily, it is possible to collect cards from all works in the game. In addition, you can find them appearing randomly sometimes. Regarding Field Boss cards, you can get two different sets, including Field Boss I and Field Boss II through which you learn how to get field boss cards lost ark.

Field Boss I

The set has ten field bosses you must defeat before collecting their cards. It comes with Rudric, Salt Giant, Thunderwings, Rovlen, Wili-Wili, Castile, Chaotic Chuo, Velkan, Signatus, and Proxima.

When you gather all ten cards, you will get a plus two boost in Swiftness and a 0.06% bonus against the Undead at Awakening Level 20.

In addition, you can see a 0.07% bonus against the Undead at Awakening Levels 40 and 50. Thus, you can learn how to get field boss cards lost Ark.

Field Boss II

It comes with seven bosses, which you must defeat before gathering cards. These are as follows: Maneth, Tarsila, Sol Grande, Brealeos, Aporas, Kagros, and Adrienne.

When you gather all seven cards, you will get a plus two boost in Swiftness and a 0.06% bonus against Humanoids at Awakening Level 14.

In addition, you can see a 0.07% bonus against Humanoids at Awakening Levels 28 and 35. Every card set is pivotal to your character’s growth in Lost Ark. These assist in surviving longer in battle.

Additionally, they help to remove big groups quickly. They may need some grinding, but they are valuable. Therefore, you may spend the time and effort to collect.

How many cards are in Lost Ark?

A Card Deck is full of 6 Cards, indicating that one set occupies your deck simultaneously. Whether one Card Set comes with over six cards, it will only use those six you use.

frequently asked questions

Q1. How do you get the lost field boss card in Ark?

This type of card is a unique collectible card categorized into two different sets, including Field Boss 1 and Field Boss 2 sets. Therefore, if you are willing to get the bonuses, your job is to collect all of them.

Q2. How do you get the lost Maneth card in Ark?

Ans. You can find the Maneth in Icewing Heights on the Shushire continent. It is located near the dungeon entrance of the Maze of Mirrors. Hence, you can find a waypoint at the right side of Maneth’s spawn. Users like to fight Maneth in a group instead of solo.

Q3. How often do field bosses spawn Lost Ark?

Ans. Below 10 million HP: Thirty minutes after being killed.
10 to 20 million HP: Two hours after being killed.
Over 20 million HP: Hence, the field boss sets a schedule to respawn.

The schedule is hourly, from 11 AM to 5 AM on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. You can see the upcoming respawn time of the field Boss by choosing its raid icon on the map.

In addition, you can check the game’s calendar in the top left corner.

Q4. Which legendary card is best for Lost Ark?

Ans. We have given here a few card sets where you can select the suitable one.

1. The Fate of the Lazeniths:

It has two cards that can resist you against Elemental damage. The model comes with two cards after four awakenings granting you a bonus Elemental Damage by 2.00 %.

When ten awakenings are complete, Successful strikes make a chance for eight seconds to boost all Elemental Damage by 24%. It is ideal for both offensive and defensive play.


  • Beatrice (Legendary)
  • Allegro (Epic)

2. Guardians Roar:

It has seven cards where two cards grant Fire Damage reduction by 8%. Besides, four cards grant another Fire Damage reduction of 8%, whereas six offer another Fire Damage Reduction of 9%.

As a result, you will get a total Fire Damage Reduction of 25%. Users can equip six cards from this deck after 12 awakenings.

The damage type turns into water after 30 awakenings, and it is lucrative if you’re against fire enemies. After reaching level 50, you can obtain the card set.


  • Lumerus
  • Icy Legoros
  • Chromanium
  • Caliligos
  • Ur’nil
  • Dark Legros
  • Nacrasena

3. Kazeros’s Legion Commanders:

The set has six cards providing Holy Damage Reduction by 10% for every two cards. It causes an entire Holy Damage Reduction by 30% while equipping with all six cards without any awakenings.

If you equip all six cards after 12 awakenings, your damage turns dark. The change boosts damage by 7% after 18 awakenings and 8% after all 30.

As a result, you can get complete dark damage boosted by 15% with a fully upgraded set.


  • Valtan (Legendary)
  • Vykas (Legendary)
  • Thaemine (Legendary)
  • Akkan (Legendary)
  • Brelshaza (Legendary)
  • Kakul-Saydon (Legendary)

4. Scene Stealer:
The set has six cards providing Water Damage Reduction by 8% for every two cards for the first two times.

It causes an entire Water Damage Deduction of 9% while equipped with all six cards. As a result, you can get a total water damage deduction of 25% without any awakenings.

If you equip all six cards after 12 awakenings, it boosts the attack power by 4%. The damage type turns into lighting after 30 awakenings.


  • Avele (Epic)
  • Habeck (Epic)
  • Enviska (Epic)
  • Jederico (Epic)
  • Scherrit (Epic)
  • Kalmaris (Epic)

5. Lostwind Cliff:
The set has six cards providing Dark Damage Reduction by 8% for every two cards for the first two times.

It causes a Dark Damage Deduction of 9% while equipping with all six cards. As a result, you can get a total Dark damage deduction of 25% without any awakenings.

If you equip all six cards after 12 awakenings, it enhances the damage rate by 7%.


  • Armen (Legendary)
  • Seria (Rare)
  • Solas (Common)
  • King Thirain (Legendary)
  • Kharmine (Legendary)
  • Delain Armen (Legendary)

6. We’ll Meet Again:

It comes with three cards, which provide damage taken reduction by 12% if the health is 50% or less, and another 16% decreases the percentage after nine awakenings.

As a result, you can experience a reduction of 28% without any awakenings.
The card set restores HP for five seconds after all 30 awakenings while the HP reaches below 20%.

Using this set of cards with The Forest Of Giants Card Set is advised.


  • Madnick (Epic)
  • Vrad (Rare)
  • Sian (Rare)

7. Forest Of Giants:

The three cards boost the effectiveness of recovery items by 15% and boost your Physical and Magic defense by 10% after nine awakenings.

These get boosted by 20% after all 15 awakenings, which can boost a whole Physical and Magic defense by 30%.


  • Caspiel (Rare)
  • Mokamoka (Epic)
  • Tir (Rare)

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